Why should I take IELTS?
If you truly want to have a successful career or just study abroad, IELTS is a must for you. IELTS will not only open new career paths for you, but it will ignite confidence in you to read, speak and write English. Students and professionals, who have made up their minds to settle abroad for study or work purposes, should definitely take the IELTS test. The scope for a better future ahead depends upon IELTS. So, give your career the right direction and enroll yourself for the Best IELTS coaching in New Delhi which is none other than SMV Group Academy.
- Overview
- Benefits
- IELTS Facts
- Outcome
What Is IELTS?
IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is designed to assess the current level of your English. It is mandatory to clear IELTS for all non-native speakers, if they have to migrate to Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand or any other English speaking countries or organizations.
What Is Tested?
This test checks the ability or efficiency of a non-native English language speaking candidate who wishes to apply for student visa, permanent visa or work visa for an English speaking country. The four basic linguistic skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking are assessed in English.
Is IELTS a paper based exam or a computer delivered exam?
Originally, IELTS was launched as a paper based test. But now, in many countries, computer delivered IELTS is also available for both academic and general test takers.
1. The Listening, Reading and Writing tests are conducted on/using paper and pencil/pen on the same day and in single session.
2. The speaking session will be conducted face-to-face with a human examiner.
3. Results in 13 days.
4. Conducted 3 - 4 times in a month.
1. The Listening, Reading and Writing tests are conducted on the computer on the same day and in single session.
2. The speaking session will be conducted face-to-face with a human examiner.
3. Results in 3-5 days.
4. Usually conducted on more than 20 days a month with multiple slots.
How is IELTS Scored?
IELTS assesses a candidate on the four basic linguistic skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking. Each of these skills are scored out of 9 bands, and your final score will be the rounded off average of these four scores.
Benefits Of IELTS
- An assessment of your English language skills - You must have impressed your family, friends, or a small audience with your proficiency in the English language. But once you take an IELTS test, you get yourself validated and certified about your English Skill Set.
- Recognized Worldwide - IELTS is accepted in over 9000 institutions worldwide. Instead of the outdated system of passing and failing, IELTS has a band score, ranging from 1 to 9 where 9 is the highest score. Once you crack the IELTS exam, a world of opportunities will knock on your door.
- Job opportunities - If you plan to have a successful career, abroad. Then IELTS is a must for you as it works as a gateway to living the life of your dreams.
- Enhanced communication skills - Communication is such an important part of our daily life. The words we speak can influence others up to a great extent. Preparing for IELTS will improve your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, thus directly bringing about a drastic change.
- Learn about a different culture and people - If you’re fascinated by different cultures and love to meet people from all walks of life, then IELTS is the best choice you can make for yourself.
Some More IELTS Facts
i. The Listening. Reading and Writing (LRW) tests are conducted on the same day. and the Speaking test is usually conducted two days before or after the LRW test.
ii. IELTS is available at more than 1.200 locations all over the world.
iii. Most of the educational institutions and organizations in Australia, Canada, the USA and Britain accept the IELTS score.
iv. In 2018, over 3 million candidates took the IELTS test globally.
v. An individual can attempt the test multiple times if he/she is not satisfied with the score. Also, there is no rule that the next attempt has to be made after a given period of time. They can retake it whenever they wish to. Furthermore, during the application. the best score out of all the tests can be submitted. that is. the average score is not calculated.
vi. The test score is Valid for 2 years.
What will be the final outcome?
Once you’ve taken addmission in the Best IELTS coaching classes in New Delhi like SMV Group for IELTS, then your future will shine bright for life.
Two Versions of IELTS -
General and Academic. You can choose IELTS Academic, if you want to study abroad or you can go for General, if settling abroad for work purpose is your main goal.
There are four major areas of IELTS assessment.
- Reading activity for 60 minutes.
- Writing activity for 60 minutes.
- Listening activity for 30 minutes.
- Speaking activity for 15 minutes.
- IELTS Test Format
- Band Descriptor
- IELTS Test Results
- Booking A Test Date
- A candidate attempts for either FELTS Academic or General depending on the status of their application. Students aspiring for higher studies have to appear for IELTS Academic whereas professionals opting for Permanent Residency or employment have to undertake IELTS General.
- The three Writing. Listening and Reading (WRL) are tested on the same day in a straight 2 hours 40 minutes to 3 hours session. The speaking test is usually scheduled on any day during the week before or after the LRW test and lasts for about 11-14 minutes.
- On the WRL exam day, the test is conducted in the following order according to the mode opted for:
Paper Delivered IELTS
- Writing: 1 hour, responses to be written using pen/pencil
- Reading: 1 hour
- Listening: Approx. 30 minutes audio track play time + 10 minutes to transfer the answers from the question booklet to the answer sheet.
- Speaking: Face-to face session with human examiner. 11- 14 minutes.
Computer Delivered IELTS
- Listening: Approx. 30 minutes audio track play time 4- 2 minutes to review.
- Reading: 1 hour
- Writing: 1 hour, responses to be typed on screen.
- Speaking: Face-to face session with human examiner. 1114 minutes.
IELTS Listening
- IELTS Listening test is common for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General.
- On the test day, test begins with the Listening module first.
- IELTS Listening is a 40' minutes test. In this test, an audio with 4 sections of 30 minutes total will be played and while listening to it. the candidate is required to solve the questions and write the answers in the question paper simultaneously as it will not be played again i.e. the recording is played only
- The remaining 10'* minutes are given for transferring the answers from the question paper to the given listening answer sheet.
- Answers should be written with a pencil.
- A total of 40 questions are equally divided between four The questions of the section gradually becomes more difficult, section 4 being the toughest.
- Certain amount of time is provided to read the questions before you listen and to check the answers before moving onto next set of questions or section.
- In the listening audio, candidates will come across speakers with different accents - British, Australian, Irish, Asian, Canadian and American.
* For Paper Delivered format. In case of computer delivered format, the total time is usually 32-35 minutes
* For Paper Delivered format. In case of computer delivered format, only 2 minutes are given in order to review the test.
IELTS Reading
- IELTS Listening test is different for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General.
- IELTS Reading is a one hour test. A total of 40 questions are divided into three reading comprehensions, with each containing 12-14 questions.
- IELTS Academic has questions based on extracts from academic journals, textbooks etc.
- Whereas in IELTS General the questions are related to advertisements, notices, employment contracts, i.e. extraction from newspapers, magazines, travel brochures etc.
- In IELTS reading, there are 12 different types of question.
IELTS Writing
- IELTS Writing is a one hour test. The test is divided into two tasks, Task 1 and Task 2.
- !ELM Academic and General have both Task 1 and Task 2. Task 2 is same for both. Academic and General whereas Academic task 1 is report writing and General Task 1 is letter writing.
- Task 2 has double weightage of Task 1 in the final writing score for both Academic and General Modules.
—■ IELT5 Writing Task 1 (Recommended Time: 20 minutes)
Based on whether the student is taking the Academic or the General module, the task 1 will differ according to the following:
—■ Question types
- Bar Graph
- Pie Chart
- Line graph
- Table
- Flow chart/Process Chart
- Maps
- Formal Letter
- Semi-formal Letter
- Informal Letter
—■ Task requirement
- Summarize the information in the pictorial chart
- Minimum 150 words to be written
- Writing a letter requesting information or explaining the
- Minimum 150 words to be written.
IELTS Writing Task 2: Essay writing (Recommended Time: 40 minutes)
—■ In both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training, Task 2 wants the candidates to state a position or provide reasons for a question. Ideas provided should be supported by relevant evidence, and examples should be drawn from one's experience or knowledge.
—■ Task question types
- Opinion (Agree or Disagree)
- Advantages and
- Problem and
- Discussion (Discuss both view)
- Two-part Question.
—■ Task duration: 40 minutes Task question type
—■ Task requirement: Minimum 250 words to be written.
IELTS Speaking
- IELTS Speaking test is common for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General.
- IELTS Speaking is conducted for about 11-14 minutes. The test will be conducted by a certified IELTS examiner. This will be a one on one test.
- It will be conducted either two to three day prior or after the LRW test date.
- In I ELTS Speaking, there are 3 parts.
—■ Part 1 - introduction and inter view (4-5 minutes)
The examiner will introduce him or herself and ask you to introduce yourself and confirm your identity. The examiner will ask you general questions on familiar topics, e.g. home, family, work, studies and interests. This section should help you relax and talk naturally.
—■ Part 2 - Individual Long Turn (Cue Card) (3 minutes)
Cue card is a task card that contains a general topic along with points that need to be covered. A cue card will be given to the candidate, he/she will be given one minute to prepare. Later the examiner will time them and the candidate needs to talk on the topic for 1-2 minutes until stopped by the examiner.
—■ Part 3 - Two Way Discussion (4-5 minutes)
In this section, the examiner will ask further questions which are connected to the topic of Part 2. These questions are designed to give the candidate an opportunity to discuss more abstract issues and ideas.
- IELTS test has band descriptors, which state the proficiency level of the test takers. In simpler words, it helps in determining whether the candidate is an expert user, intermediate or beginner in the English Language. Usually, it is provided for the Writing and Speaking tests.
- A Band descriptor is divided into 9 levels along with the four components by which an examiner judges if the candidate has accomplished the set of requirements described in
- This is crucial and helpful for the candidates because it will enable them to know what the examiners are looking for in their answers which in turn avoids losing any score.
Writing Test Descriptors - Writing Task 1
In IELTS Writing task 1, the candidate is judged on the following 4 parameters
—■ Task Achievement: This is concerned with how well the candidate has addressed all parts of the task. In the Academic Module, this means whether the candidate has presented a clear overview of the main trends. differences or stages. Whereas in the General Module, it is tested whether the candidate has maintained the level of formality and clearly expressed the reasons for writing the letter.
—■ Coherence and Cohesion: This is concerned with how well the candidate has organized the information and ideas, whether a clear central topic within each paragraph is presented along with the use of a range of cohesive terms/devices.
—■ Lexical Resource: This is concerned with whether the candidate has used sufficient vocabulary to allow flexibility and explain contexts better and also checks for spelling errors.
—■ Grammatical Range and Accuracy: This is concerned with the grammar range, sentence complexity and punctuations that the candidate has used.
Click on the below link to view public version of IELTS Writing Task 1 band descriptors:
IELTS Writing Task 1: https://www.ielts.org/-/media/pdfs/writing-band-descriptors-task-1.ashx?la=en
Writing Test Band Descriptors - Writing Task 2
In IELTS Writing task 2, the candidate is judged on the following 4 parameters
—■ Task Response: This is concerned with how well the candidate has addressed all parts of the task, and whether he/she has taken a clear position throughout the task.
—■ Coherence and Cohesion: This is considered with how well the candidate has organized the information and ideas. whether a clear central topic within each paragraph is presented along with the use of a range of cohesive terms/devices.
—■ Lexical Resource: This is concerned with whether the candidate has used sufficient vocabulary to allow flexibility and explain contexts better and also checks for spelling errors.
—■ Grammatical Range and Accuracy: This is concerned with the grammar range, sentence complexity and punctuations that the candidate has used.
Click on the below link to view public version of IELTS Writing Task 2 band descriptors:
IELTS Writing Task 2: https://www.ielts.org/-/media/pdfs/writing-band-descriptors-task-2.ashx?la=en
Speaking Test Band Descriptors
There are 4 parts to the speaking band descriptors
—■ Fluency and Coherence: This is concerned with your rate of speech, and whether you can speak continuously without stopping much. This parameter is also concerned with how well you have expressed your ideas or how well your ideas were connected to make sense.
—■ Lexical Resource: This is about the range and accuracy of your language, how well do you choose and speak words to clearly express the context of what you are saying. Use of alternative words to get around the gaps in your language is also tested.
—■ Grammatical Range and Accuracy: This parameter checks whether you range of language/sentence structures and also how accurate is your grammar. The impact of the grammatical errors you make on the overall conversation/communication is also tested.
—■ Pronunciation: This is concerned with how well do you pronounce different words, and whether your speech is well understood by the examiner or not.
Use the below link to view public version of IELTS Speaking band descriptors:
IELTS Speaking: https://www.ielts.org/-/media/pdfs/speaking-band-descriptors.ashx?la=en
—■ The test report is available online to the test takers 13 to 15 days after their LRW test in case of paper delivered IELTS. For Computer delivered IELTS, the result is available in 5-7 days from the date of LRW exam.
—■ The report will have the following mentioned details:
- The test taker's picture, nationality, date of birth and their first language.
- Whether they appeared for the IELTS Academic OR General Training.
- Individual band scare for each section of the test - listening, reading, writing and speaking (from 0-9).
—■ An overall band score (from 0-9).
To register for IELTS test, the candidate can log onto the website of IDP: Australia
—■ Go to either of the registration portals
—■ Click on take a test/ book a test.
—■ Select the test date, type and city.
—■ Fill in all the personal details according to the passport.
—■ Upload the verification document at the time of online registration.(optional)
—■ Verify the details filled in.
—■ Make payment
- Online mode: pay with net banking, debit or credit card.
- Offline mode: pay the cash at ICICI bank. (For Indian Candidates)
—■ The registration is complete
—■ The Candidate will receive an acknowledgement mail and an SMS at the ID submitted during the time of registration.
How to make offline payment:
- Download the fees challan from the registration portal.
- Fill in the details.
- Remit cash at ICICI bank.
- Upload the candidate's copy of the challan at the "Upload documents" tab in the candidate's area.
(For other countries' nationals, kindly refer to the regional websites of IDP Australia.)
The various reasons to take an IELTS test.
- Having successfully taken an IELTS test, one is able to apply to study at many international schools, universities, employers immigration authorities and professional bodies which recognize and ask for this test on their admission requirement.
- IELTS covers both British English and American English in terms of spelling, grammar, and choice of words.
- To study in the US, in the UK or other English speaking countries such as Australia, Canada, or New Zealand, IELTS gives the chance to train one’s ear to different native English accents. Thus, the reading assessment incorporates a mix of all of them.
- Specific scores requested by schools and companies around the world
- The accuracy of the results and of one’s English language skills.
- Worldwide recognition.
The Students will get the knowledge and will gain the skills to qualify for the IELTS. The course covers strategies, analysis, and to take preparation for the best score on the exam.